Metropolis the possible devastating overnight [the world's ...

Middle East whether the light is on the peace - think about ... Month and day after day of Syria attack by the United States, Harris Admiral of the US Pacific commander, was ordered to sail fleet, that is, north the first carrier strike group] to North Korea coastal waters around the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Carl Vinson . US aircraft carrier to the war has begun in the Middle East is towards the northeast Asia, the world was surprised at this seemingly contradictory behavior. If concentrate US forces in the Middle East, but North Korea aimed at the gap is a radicalization is to strategic behavior of the United States based on the concern of the military action, this action has cast a question again in the world military experts. Even in modern times, or the existence of the that so becomes a military threat to the aircraft carrier, and. The question is, will the most. In Syria attack was outgoing fire a cruise missile [Tomahawk] from the US destroyer ships. Are you active in the fighting in the Middle East and Central Asia is a drone. No longer or not than not the age of the aircraft carrier and fighter, also thought of that there.

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